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Instructions and Tips for Submitting Abstracts


Please use this link to submit an organized session.

Each organized session will consist of three to four (3-4) podium presentations, with each presentation 15 minutes in length. You may have up to three (3) session co-organizers for each session. Session organizers will be responsible for ensuring that the session is filled with at least three presentations. They will also be responsible for running the session at the conference (i.e. making sure each presenter’s PowerPoint presentation is downloaded to the computer prior to the session, introducing each podium presenter, and keeping presenters to time.)


For the organized session, collaborators will need to submit:

  • A session title and 250-word abstract using the online link above (at time of session proposal)

  • A tentative line-up of podium presentations (at time of session proposal)

Please note that an individual abstract for each podium presentation in the organized session must also be submitted. Podium presenters should a podium presentation abstract separately from the session abstract, using the presentation abstract submission form. This means that if you are proposing a session as an organizer and a podium presentation as a presenter, you will need to provide two submissions. Conference organizers will be in contact with session organizers to confirm session line-up following submission deadlines.

All organized session proposals should be submitted by August 16, 2019.

Tips for running a successful organized session:

  1. Start reaching out to session presenters early. This will ensure you are able to find enough presenters who are able to commit to attending the conference and presenting their research.

  2. It’s great to present with lab-mates and friends in your department, but don’t forget to branch out. Invite faculty or graduate students from other institutions and departments to participate. It’s a great opportunity to network and engage ideas with new people.

  3. Be sure to keep presenters to time. Time cards warning presenters of remaining time are very helpful.


Please use this link to submit a podium presentation.

Podium presentation proposals should include a title and 250-word abstract. The online system will ask you to designate whether you are submitting as a general submission or as part of an organized session. If you are not submitting as part of an organized session, please choose “general submission.” If you are submitting a presentation that is part of an organized session, please indicate the title of the session when prompted. All podium presentations are 15 minutes in length. 

All podium presentation proposals should be submitted by September 15, 2019.


Please use this link to submit a poster presentation.

Interested parties should provide a title and 250-word abstract. Poster size should be 3'10" x 4' (116 cm x 120 cm). Posters up to 4'x6' are acceptable. 

Tips for Successful Poster Presentation:

  1. Be sure to build your poster to the dimensions above (don’t try to scale up later)

  2. Consider writing your text in Word to make reviewing and editing easier.

  3. Keep text concise and organized to avoid overwhelming readers.

  4. Consider the following sizes for text to ensure everything is easy to read:

    1. Title: ~54 pt

    2. Subheadings and Author Names: ~36 pt

    3. Text: ~28 pt

    4. References: ~16-20 pt

All poster proposals should be submitted by September 6, 2019.

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